
You Heard It Here: Hollywood Years Roll By. — 6 Comments

  1. Hi Dee,
    Yep, time flies! I’m often astonished at how I see child stars all grown up…when I haven’t aged a bit! HA! I feel like we’ve watched them grow up while on television. Many of them have become very successful behind the scenes too, and I find their names under director or producer, instead of in front of the camera. Ron Howard comes to mind..he was beloved on the Andy Griffith show and Happy Days and he’s now an amazing director/producer.

    • Hi Charlene,
      Yes! Ron Howard is a perfect example! It’s really kind of rare to make a career last so long. I’m not sure people understand just how hard it is. Some people just have the talent and know-how to keep it going. I love watching “my kids” succeed! Thanks for dropping by!

  2. Hi Dee J.,

    Not that the lovely ladies of the Los Angeles Romance Authors ever age, but they do grow in terms of their writing careers and it has been so amazing and inspiring to watch the number of members announcing new deals, new books, reaching new heights in self-pubbing, etc. I’m always in awe–and extremely proud to have a front row seat to everyone’s successes!

    • Hi Sam,
      I agree! It’s great watching friends thrive! I know I’ve loved every minute of your success! I couldn’t be happier for you! It’s a bonus that I love your books. Haha! Thanks for stopping in!

  3. It must be wonderful for you to watch these young people blossom in their careers. Happy birthday to your daughter, because 18 is awesome! With most of my family living in Australia, and only going home to visit every two years, I’m always amazed at how my nieces and nephews kids grow in that short span. One year they’ll be crawling and on the next visit telling everyone exactly what they want. 😉

    • Hi Robena,
      It is fun to watch them blossom! It’s crazy how much they grow in the five months between seasons, so I can imagine the change you witness after a 2 year span! I especially notice the difference in height since all my kids tend to pass me up pretty quickly. LOL. Thanks for dropping in!