
You Heard It Here: Happiness Is… — 12 Comments

  1. CONGRATULATIONS on signing with an agent! Condolences, again, on the loss of your father. I think you have a really healthy way of looking at life’s triumphs and tribulations…and how they land on you all at once sometimes.

    Now…about the commercials. What was the product and where can we see those today? 😉

    • Hi Sam,
      Thank you! I figure life is like a boxing match. We have to bob and weave to keep up. As far as the commercials… I was the Tide lady in the late 90s. It would be fun to see any of those spots again, but they don’t show up in any google or youtube search. I’ll recreate one the next time I see you. LOL.

  2. It makes me so happy when friends like you get such wonderful news! Congratulations again on the agent. And I think you’re right about your mom and dad. They’ve got their sights on you and always will. *hugs*

    • Hi Robin,
      Thanks. I feel the same way about friends getting great news. It’s fun to share in the good stuff. Yeah, I think my folks are seeing it all from somewhere. Hugs back.

  3. I was pregnant with my son when my dad was in the ICU dying. Because of the amniocentesis I was able to tell him that I was having a boy and he would be named partially after my dad. John for my husband’s father and Philip for my father. John-Philip (equal billing, both grandpas) has morphed into J.P., but I know my dad knew he’d have another grandson and the boy would be honored with his name.

    • Hi Lynne,
      Ah, that is bittersweet. The good with the bad. The same thing happened with my mother when I was pregnant with my daughter and my daughter is named after both of the grandmothers she never met. Our folks will always be with us because of many reason, but carrying on their names is always a good way to keep them forefront in our lives.

  4. Yes, Dee J. these are life’s bittersweet moments. I’m sure your parents are watching over you and grinning broadly. Your news is wonderful, and I’m so happy for you. I hope this will be the open door to many more successes.

    • Hi Robena,
      Thank you! I feel the m with me and I’ve got my fingers crossed for my YA. Who knows what’s down the road… for any of us! Lots of good stuff, I hope.

  5. Oh Dee, your outlook on life’s challenges and triumphs is refreshing. I believe that coin you found in the airport was your father telling you luck and fortune was coming your way. Now there are two angels always by your side. Congratulations on the representation!

    • Hi Tricia,
      Thanks. I figure I either have to deal with life or life will chew me up and spit me out.

      I never thought of it like that. I like being represented. I have good angels on my side! And good friends here too, which helps a ton! Thanks for stopping in!