
You Heard It Here: Hollywood Expectations — 12 Comments

    • Hi Pamela,
      Now 5’8″ I would believe, but I’m thinking he has to be taller than that…? I don’t know. I know 6’2″ is a reach. (No pun intended!) No! I hadn’t heard about another Terminator movie. I’m not surprised. Hollywood will stick with a premise if it makes them money. Thanks for dropping by!

  1. I had kind of an opposite experience several years ago. I was jogging on Zuma Beach and another woman was jogging toward me. From a distance I thought, hmm, she’s in really good shape. As she got closer, I revised my opinion. She was in AMAZING shape. When we passed, I realized, “Oh…because she’s Pamela Anderson.” She looked much prettier and more natural in person.

    • Hi Sam,
      Yeah, I’ve been there before too. You spot someone and think “wow, no wonder the camera loves them.” She is beautiful. I’ve never met her, but I’ve heard nice things. Thanks for dropping in!

  2. I can so relate to this. Same thing happened to me at a celebrity event where I didn’t recognize an actor because he was soooooo short. Ha ha.
    I never thought of Arnold as being over 6′ either. But I’ve never seen him in person. I’d have figured 5’11” but muscley.

    • Hi Robena,
      Yes! I do that too. You see someone and think, “no…can’t be.” Then it turns out it is. Haha. The camera is deceiving. It shows us what it wants us to see. I don’t think he’s over 6′, but I’m sure he’d like us to think otherwise. And not muscly at all! At least not then. Thanks for coming by!

  3. All the time. I’ve learned I’m much better off never expecting anything, especially when it comes to Hollywood leading men. The women are tall (except you!) and the men are usually shorter than we think

    • Hi Lynne,
      LOL. Yeah, it’s a weird height phenomenon, isn’t it? All those short dudes and tall women draped over their shoulders. Of course since I look up to everyone, it was never an issue with me. 🙂 Haha…

  4. Dee J.,

    Loved the post. So funny. This isn’t a Hollywood star sighting, but once I went on an internet date and he looked nothing like his picture. The image must have been from 10 years prior and a good 60 pounds lighter. I walked right by him at Starbucks and sat at another table.

    • Hi JL,
      Oh no! I think it’s even worse when it’s not a star sighting, but you’ve seen a pic… You’re expecting the pic and get…uh… something else. Always an eye-opener. Haha. Thanks for coming by!

  5. How hilarious! Resumes in Hollywood are mostly all fluff. That’s why I follow and admire people trying to raise positive awareness and who give back in life, like Gina Davis.

    • Hi Tricia,
      That is so true! Lots of fluff in Hollywood. LOL. Love those people who give back and use their celebrity for good instead of only personal gain. Thanks for dropping in!