
You Heard It Here: Happiness Is… — 8 Comments

  1. As far as happiness goes, I think hope’s a good foundation! I’ll toss out friendship as well. Having friends to share those HUGE/GREAT things with makes them all the sweeter.

    • Hi Sam,
      You’re absolutely right! Happiness is definitely friendship! There’s nothing better than when your friends “get” your HUGE/GREAT moments. Thanks for dropping in!

  2. Happiness is smiling at Snickerdoodle even if only on the internet. : )Seriously though, I’d say happiness is knowing someone has your back no matter what, and reciprocating in kind.

    • Hi Robena,
      I so agree with that! (And, yes, Snicky is a sweetie. She’s my pal when I visit Texas and stay at my cousin’s place. )

  3. Happiness is a day when I actually get everything done that I plan on. That’s a lousy sentence, but you get the idea. And she is a cute puppy. We should introduce her to my kitten Cougar, who is officially the cutest kitten in the world.

    • Hi Sharon,
      Oh totally! That’s a great happiness! Sadly, I don’t think I ever find that one. LOL. Alas, I’m afraid the long distance kills that romance. Snick is a Texas gal, born and raised. But I will give Snick Cougar’s regards the next time I see her. Haha.

  4. My happiness comes any day I wake up and all limbs are working. Days like today, when the sky is bright blue and clear, the temperatures mild, and I actually get some writing done, are also things to be happy about.

    Hey, a good meal – that makes me happy, too.

    And friends like you…

    • Aw… how sweet are you! Yep, happiness is definitely a beautiful blue sky and getting some writing done. Of course a good meal is also a no brainer. LOL. Thanks for dropping in!